Penyakit leptospirosis scribd pdf

Scribd adalah situs bacaan dan penerbitan sosial terbesar di dunia. Epidemiology of leptospirosis in costa rica 20112015. Leptospirosis outbreaks after the big flood of jakarta feb. Proceedings of the 33rd world small animal veterinary. In a minority of infected persons, leptospirosis develops into the dreaded weills disease. In children, this disease causes mainly alterations of sensorium. The waze of childhood leptospirosis gyneth lourdes g. Leptospirosis an overview tk dutta, m christopher abstract one of the important causes of acute febrile illness in a country where malaria, typhoid and dengue are also not uncommon, leptospirosis, a zoonotic disease spread by rodents, is endemic in tamil nadu, kerala and. Leptospirosis is an endemic zoonosis in the philippines with an average of 680 leptospirosis cases and 40 deaths from the disease reported every year and a prevalence of 10100,000. Organisasi kesehatan dunia who telah berkomitmen untuk menghilangkan tetanus neo nat orum pada tahun 1995. Pada jenis yang ringan, leptospirosis dapat muncul seperti influenza dengan sakit kepala dan myalgia. The main renal histological findings are acute interstitial nephritis and acute tubular necrosis.

Ecdcs annual surveillance reports provide a wealth of epidemiological data to support decisionmaking at the national level. Regions with the estimated highest morbidity include south and southeast asia, oceania, the caribbean, parts of subsaharan africa, and parts of latin america. Leptospirosis was reinstated as a nationally notifiable disease in january 20. It is seasonal with a peak incidence during the rainy months of july to october. Introduction to leptospirosis leptospirosis information. Annual epidemiological report for leptospirosis 2016. Acute rhinitis common cold antibiotic associated pseudomembrane collitis avian influenza chikungunya cutaneous larva migrans clm dengue diphteria filariasis herpes simplex. Leptospirosis reporting and investigation guideline.

Retno ambarwati jafar 14120150256 c4 definisi leptospirosis leptospirosis adalah penyakit infeksi akut yang dapat menyerang manusia maupun hewan zoonosis yang disebabkan oleh bakteri leptospira. Rml hospital contents lists available at sciencedirect asian pacific journal of tropical. Spirochaeta ini pertama kali diisolasi di jepang oleh inada setelah sebelumnya digambarkan oleh adolf weil tahun 1886. Microscopic agglutination test mat is laborious mat, described by martin and pettit is the most widely used reference method for the diagnosis of human leptospirosis.

Penyakit ini paling sering ditularkan dari hewan ke manusia ketika orang dengan luka terbuka di kulit melakukan kontak dengan air atau tanah yang telah terkontaminasi air kencing hewan. Penularan dari hewan ke manusia dapat terjadi secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung, sedangkan penularan dari manusia ke manusia sangat jarang. Disclosure of interest medical affairs manager glaxosmithkline. Pdf leptospirosis is a globally important zoonotic disease that affects humans on all continents, in both urban and rural contexts, and in temperate. Makalah pengendalian vektor dan binatang pengganggu b pendendalian tikus dan penyakit yang berhubungan dengan tikus. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Leptospirosis can progress to a severe condition known as weils syndrome, corresponding to 515% of reported cases, with a mortality rate around 15% bharti et. Difteri adalah penyakit akut yang mengancam nyawa yang disebabkan corynebacterium diphtheria, terutama menyerang tonsil, faring,laring, hidung, adakalanya menyerang selaput lendir atau kulit serta kadangkadang konjungtiva atau vagina. Protect yourself from leptospirosis after the storm leptospirosis is a bacterial disease that can increase after hurricanes or floods when people may have to wade through contaminated water or use it for drinking or bathing.

The clinical practice guidelines on childhood leptospirosis diagnosis treatment prevention core group recommendation. Gejala klinis penyakit ini sangat bervariasi dari ringan hingga berat bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian penderitanya. Leptospirosis is a significant problem among farmed deer in new zealand, particularly animals less than a year of age. These guidelines were developed based on the best available evidence at the time of writing. Data collected from leptospirosis surveillance is used to monitor trends and identify areas of risk. Di indonesia terdapat lebih dari 50 zoonosis antara lain. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh spirochaeta leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae yang hidup pada ginjal dan urine tikus swastiko, 2009. Penyakit leptospirosis mungkin banyak terdapat di indonesia terutama di musim penghujan.

People can get leptospirosis when they have contact with. About 100 cases of leptospirosis are reported each year in the us. Bibera, md, fpps, fpidsp outsmarting leptospirosis together. The estimated worldwide annual incidence is 1 million cases, including approximately 59,000 deaths. Clinical cases of leptospirosis in costa rica demonstrated various symptoms. Leptospirosis chapter 4 2020 yellow book travelers. They are mainly intended for public health professionals and policymakers involved in disease prevention and control programmes. Leptospirosis can occur if the host human is in contact.

Acute renal failure and jaundice weils syndrome are less common in children than in adults. Leptospirosis is a potentially fatal infectious disease caused by spirochete bacteria of the genus leptospira. Mortality in leptospirosisassociated aki is around 22%. Leptospirosis fact sheet for clinicians background leptospirosis is a disease that is caused by spirochete bacteria in the genus leptospira. Corynebacterium diphtheriaea adalah organisme yang minimal melakukan invasive, secara umum jarang memasuki aliran darah. Leptospirosis free download as powerpoint presentation. Leptospirosis is a disease derived from animals with leptospira bacteria as the main cause. Isolation of leptospira from a clinical specimen, or fourfold or greater increase in leptospira agglutination titer between acute and convalescentphase serum specimens studied at the same laboratory, or demonstration of leptospira in tissue by direct immunofluorescence, or leptospira agglutination titer of. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh leptospira patogenik dan memiliki manifestasi klinis yang luas, bervariasi mulai dari infeksi yang tiak jelas sampai fulminan dan fatal.

The disease is becoming a greater risk as more people travel to undeveloped areas of the world. Etiologi penyakit yang terdapat di semua negara dan terbanyak ditemukan di. Lethargy and hematuria were the principal clinical signs in some outbreaks. Leptospirosis is a globally important zoonotic disease, most commonly found in tropical or subtropical countries and may be prevalent in both urban and rural settings. Penyakit leptospirosis merupakan suatu penyakit yang diakibatkan oleh bakteri leptospira sp. Download as xls, pdf, txt or read online from scribd. Leptospirosis selain disebut sebagai weils disease juga disebut redwater desease of calves pada ternak sapi atau penyakit canine typhus pada anjing atau penyakit menular non virus nonvirus infectious jaundice. Humans most commonly become infected through occupational.

This paper identifies the prevalence and risk factors of leptospirosis in costa rica between the years of 20112015. Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by certain members of the genus leptospira. Titik sentral pcnyebab leptospirosis adalah urin hewan terinfeksi leptospira yang mencemari lingkungan. A case study on leptospirosis essay example graduateway. Pengobatan dengan antibiotik merupakan pilihan terbaik pada fase awal ataupun fase lanjut fase imunitas. It is estimated that 100200 leptospirosis cases are identified annually in the united states. An emerging infectious disease in nepal article pdf available in journal of the institute of medicine 38.

Leptospirosis occurs worldwide but is most commonly acquired in the tropics. Leptospirosisassociated acute kidney injury introduction leptospirosis is a zoonosis caused by a microorganism of the leptospira genus. These national guidelines for management of leptospirosis are published by the epidemiology unit, ministry of health in 2016. It is transmitted to humans by contact through skin lesions or mucous membranes e. There are 10 pathogenic species, and more than 250 pathogenic serovars. Leptospirosis atau penyakit kuning adalah penyakit penting pada manusia, tikus, anjing, babi dan sapi. Strategi p3m untuk penyakit leptospirosis pencegahan primer prinsip. Leptospirosis is a global spirochete causing chronic renal disease that is increasing in costa rica. The hidden dangers in healthy foods that cause disease and weight gain. Survey on leptospirosis in the pacific introduction during the first series of the subregional epinet workshops, participants recommended that, pphsn should organise a study to determine the epidemiology of leptospirosis in the pacific islands, in bot h the vector and the human population. Tiga tahun setelah itu 1998, infeksi itu menewaskan lebih dari 400. Leptospirosis diagnosis by immunocapture polymerase chain reaction. Other signs included jaundice, photosensitization, corneal opacity, anemia and poor weight gain. Penyakit yang secara alami dapat dipindahkan dari hewan vertebrata ke manusia atau sebaliknya.

Sumber penyakit tikus rhodent,babi,kambing,domba, kuda,anjing, kucing, serangga, burung, kelelawar, tupai. Clinical studies in the 60s and 70s and seroepidemiological surveys have documented the. Leptospirosis is the most wide spread zoonosis worldwide. Typically, patients are young men, although children can be affected. Most people who develop a leptospirosis infection only get mild symptoms, but a bit more serious influenzalike symptoms are also quite common. Penyakit ini merupakan zoonosis, tersebar luas di seluruh dunia terutama di daerah tropis termasuk indonesia. Leptospirosis annual epidemiological report 2016 2014 data. Bakteri juga dapat memasuki tubuh melalui mata atau selaput lendir. Leptospirosis is a zoonosis that affects many domestic and wild animals, mainly rodents particularly rats but also dogs and cattle, etc. While leptospirosis occurs worldwide, it is more common in tropical or subtropical climates. Introduction systemic infection due to bacteria leptospira spp worldwide most common reemerging zoonotic disease bmc infect dis 2009. Referat ilmu penyakit dalam leptospirosis pembimbing dr. Signs and symptoms region and conjunctival suffusion are specific findings but less common.

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